

CrashMaker - Index to Volume II 

Copyright ? 2002 Victor Sperandeo & Alvaro Almeida
ISBN 0-9671759-0-0
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:

Index to Volume II


Importance of in US history, 761-69;



Issues & discussion, 1095-99; a right to abortion & its implications, 1097-98;

Affirmative action






America as threat to New World Order, 953-54; atomization of US, 960;  shift from industrial base to service economy, 961; problem of open borders, 961; idea of America needs protection, 961; as world savior, 966; example of America vis a vis rights, morality and hope, 971; American role as world refuge, 971; balkanization via immigration and open borders, 974; idea of, 1327; deconstruction of America and its ideals, 1332; America’s Stalingrad, 1474; home of the discarded, 1570;

Anti- Semitism

Armed citizen

As sign of sovereignty, 830; gun control limits self-defense, 830; 2nd amendment and militia, 831; armed citizens as guarantee of self-government, 831;

Austrian School

Austrian theory of political banking, 1268; theory vs. practice,1269;


1421; 1424; and modern liberal thought, 1427; what is it, 1427;


Source of “true” authority, 1428; relation to self-contradicting politics, 1429; courts as paper tigers, 1533; base for real authority, 1568;


Bank of England

Banks, Banking

Early criticism of fractional reserve banking (c. 1500’s), 818; need for cartelization to sustain inflation of money supply, 889; benefit to banks from Fed system, 890-91; separation of bank and state, 903; Lenin quote, 1031; description of specie bank and its functions, 1058-9; separation of bank and state, 1176; historical precedent, 1176; bank runs 1235; suspension of specie paying, 1236; printing away bank failure, 1238; panic of 1907, 1245; cartelization of banks, 1245; crash, 1245; monetization of foreign debt, monetary control act (1980), 1245; Austrian theory of political banking, 1268; govt. subsidized, 1268; corporatism & state socialism, 1268;

Beardsly Ruml


Biddle, Nicholas

Strategy during 2nd US bank controversy, 1533;


Problems with bimetallism, 899;

Black society

Dissolution of, 1333; “white devil” theories, 1334; eugenics, suicide and population control, 1334;

Bohemian Grove


Bucaco, battle of


Business class

Rise of, 1323;

Business cycle



Lacks meaning in socialist context, 767;

Catholic social gospel

813-16; rebuttal of, 817-18;

Central banking

Central bank not needed for govt. to issue fiat currency, 889; benefits of fiat system for govt. (and banks), 890-91; dream of an unregulated fractional reserve system beyond market control, 1078; central bank profit scheme, 1225;

Centralized Education/education

Hidden costs and dangers, 1410; tool for political control, 1410; purpose of education, 1410; education reform racket, 1411; public schools and colleges & propaganda, 1411;

Central planning

Economic problems with planning, 739; as jobs program for intellectuals, 853; compulsory conformity, 854; ultimate importance of farm land and food production, 957; “global Managed Competition”, and value of cartelization, 957; America as stumbling block in world governance scheme, 958; necessity for destruction of American national sovereignty, 959; problem of American wealth and power, 960; idea that world hope lies in top down social and economic planning, 964; iron fist in velvet glove, 964; destroys ability for rational economic planning (Mises), 965; Pareto-Barone equations, 965; idea that compulsion can replace market intelligence, 965;


Need for in free society, 727; importance, 993;


Education needed to effect, 1046;

Checks and balances

Classical Liberalism

Discussed 1433-36;

Coin, coinage

US coinage, proportional weighting, 896; exchange values between Coins, 897; loss of proportionality, 897; true dollar, 897; Queen Anne proclamation, 1704, Coinage Act of 1792, 897; dollar valued in gold, 897; advantages of free coinage, 899; history of precious metal coinage, 1057; sources for new coinage, 1149; coinage act of 1792, 1149; new coin proposal, 1158; dual financial structures for return to precious metal coinage, 1184;


Defined, 848; necessity for collectivism in socialist dogma, 851;

Command economy


Commodity money


Criminal activities of party in Russia, 1494; denial of any limit to political power, 1495;

Concord Mass

Meaning of, 721;



Special interest looting and “conspiracy theory”, 877; “lone nut” theory, 1127; open evidence, 1380-81;


Role in protecting public from special interests, 740; role of disabilities in preventing usurpation and tyranny, 745; determining original intent, 747; new constitutional order, 754-58; constitutional militia, 809; design to eliminate political control over money, 874; establishment of sound money, 876; validity depends on sovereignty of American nation and people, 968; US govt. has no sovereignty to cede, 969; loyalty oaths, courts and treason, 975; support of private property and constitutional limits on govt., 993; 25th amendment, 1007; nature of Constitutional govt., 1022; scope of Congressional inquiry, 1023; self government and investigation, 1023; scope of power of impeachment, 1024; isolation of congress, 1024; ploys with amendment & taxation, 1213; what constitutional reformers can and can’t do, 1279; constitutionality of congressional monetary matters, 1385; meant to improve national unity, 1390; Presidential power, 1392; constitutional convention rejects idea of judicial oversight, 1393; as limit on all govt. activity, 1399; interpretation equals power, 1399; congressional authority over district courts and courts of appeal, 1401; McCardle case, 1401; not a collection of judicial decisions, nor do they control it, 1401; a secular, political document, 1432; problems with constitutionalism, 1435;





Explanation of, 877; forms of legal counterfeiting, 901; consequences of legal counterfeiting, 901-02;



Crimes of public officials, 742; as response to “fixed game”, 939; public institutions serving private interests, 1070; networks of official, business and others for gain, 1156; govt. assisted crime, 1305; dirty money in finance, 1322; activities of communist party in Russia, 1494;


 Currency speculation



As legal plunder; rise of national debt, 1278;



Of computer prices as quality improves, 881;


Need to defer to free markets and individual rights, 729; evils of real democracy, 1019;

Democratic Power structure

Democratic society

Disabilities (constitutional)

Role of disabilities in preventing usurpation and tyranny, 745; role in preventing Govt. interference, 745;


Fallacy of distribution trumping production in social gospel, 815;


Dollar defined, 895; FRN not dollar, 896; dollar valued in gold, 897; constitutional dollar, 1145; monetizing precious metals, 1145;

Drugs/drug trade

Cover ups of govt. complicity, 931; connection to govt., 1316-17; legalization, 1317; govt. complicity, 1345; govt. connection, 1441; decriminalization, 1441; prohibition profits fuel corruption, bribery, 1441; as vertically integrated conglomerate, 1442; militarization of govt. and law enforcement, 1442; how much demand, 1442; where vulnerable, 1442; problems with prohibition, 1443;

Duces Tecum

789, 793;


Economic calculation

Requires stable value and no inflation or credit expansion, 899;


Hidden costs and dangers, 1410; tool for political control, 1410; purpose of education, 1410; education reform racket, 1411; public schools and colleges & propaganda, 1411; divorce of school and state, 1412; vouchers and govt. control, 1402; financing non-public education, 1402, free market competition in education, 1402; public education as violation of first amendment, 1412; never neutral, 1412; sex ed and abortion, 1414; whole language programs, 1415; outcome based education, 1415; totalitarianism and compulsory schooling, 1415; Torcaso case, 1413;


Equality as genetic impossibility, 836; impossibility of income and material “equality”, 837; impossibility of defining “equal opportunity” in anything other than a open-ended fashion, 837; “equality” incompatible with individual rights, 837; as govt. enforced discrimination, 838; role of intellectuals in “equality industry”, 838-39; incompatible with division of labor, 852; equality and radical equality, 1331;


Election of rulers with no limits, 993; politicians and fixed elections, 1070;


Elite management

Social security as mechanism of elite control, 1070;


As means of black salvation, 826;


Effects of violence and prurience in, 998;


Co-option of education, media and govt., 1381; control of govt. and foreign policy, 1465;


Eugenics, suicide and population control, 1334; Grobineau essay, 1336; Chamberlain, essay, 1336; Plotz, essay, 1336; applied social hygene,
1336, NAZI connection to eugenics, 13336;


Politics of, 1281;


A problem, 1055; stages in historical/political evolution, 1064;


F A Hayek


Federalist theory of, 1364-64; factions and redistribution, 1365;


Economic advantages of fascism over socialism, 849;

Federal Reserve Act

Federal Reserve

Politicization of, 874; Fed responsibility in all things economic, 881; as means of redistribution of wealth, 886; benefits of fiat system for govt. (and banks), 890-91; lender of last resort consequences, 902; effect of private adoption of gold and silver, 903; gold seizure, 910; as instrument of power, 944; disestablishment, 1028; why is gold part of reserve? 1057-58; a view of competition between, precious metals and federal reserve, 1060; as system for economic, political and cultural control, 1069; constitutional status, 1144; Woodruff vs. Trapnell, 1181; Perry vs. US, 1181; exclusion as govt. fiscal agent, 1185; what if Federal Reserve System abolished?1219; list of duties, 1256-59, fed power, 1266; saved by social security, 1351; Squeezed without gold reserves, 1418; constitutionality issues, 1524-27; McCulloch vs. Maryland, Osburn vs. Bank of US, Knox v. Lee, Julliard vs. Greenman, 1524; no vested right in gold, 1525-27; discussion of Fed legal claim to gold reserves, 1527-29; as state-corporative structure, 1532;

Federal Reserve Notes

Financial nature of FRN, 878-79; FRN’s and gold redemption, 879; conversion to fiat money, 879; true nature, 881-883; retrogression from gold backing to non-redemption, 882; how arises, 881-82; use of tax payment to legitimize FRN, 883; FRN not dollar, 896; degeneration of FRN 1920 to present, 896; pre-1934 FRN gold redeemable; redemption of FRN’s, 896; FRN as nominal money, 898; FRN as world reserve currency, 904; an argument for supremacy of FRN’s and clad coinage, 1074; World acceptance of FRN’s as source of power, 1076; dream of an unregulated fractional reserve system beyond market control, 1078; transition away from FRN’s, 1177; FRN to trade at fair market value, 1177-78; phasing out FRN’s, 1223-; suspension of specie paying to protect Federal Reserve,, 1236;

Fiat currency

Redemption issues, 878; how arises, 881-82; Central bank not needed for govt. to issue fiat currency, 889; dependency on coercion, 1058; assignats and French Revolution, 1284;

Fiduciary money

Supply limited by redemption issues, 878; how arises, 881-82;



Use of in politics, 1325;

Fractional reserve banking

Difference between, an asset and a liability, 877; commodity money vs. fiduciary money, 877-878; as tool for inflationism, 886; dream of an unregulated fractional reserve system beyond market control, 1078; how it works, 1234; wealth redistribution, 1236; future goods, 1242; legal; ownership of deposit money, 1244; as an issue in 1929, 1249; discussed, Keynes vs. von Mises, 1542-45


Arms as a sign of sovereignty, 831 armed citizens as guarantee of self-government, 831; control as essence of slavery, 841; without morality, 856-57; & guns, 1161, & govt., 1162; subversion and first amendment, 1389;

Free market

Necessary for production of commodities, 875; credit booms in free markets, 889; reintegration of govt. and market, 903; dream of an unregulated fractional reserve system beyond market control, 1078; control of markets, 1326; suitable for angels, 1397; failure of free markets and laissez faire to establish non relative value systems, 1428;

Free trade

Free will


Gaspee Point incident

715; danger of any opposing message, 716;


The five genders, 1461;

Global convergence


Global wealth redistribution, 962; transnational companies as first world citizens, 963; hypothetical meeting, 1037; agenda requires overthrow or suborning of US constitution, 1123; managed global competition, 1304; free enterprise as cheaper than slavery, 1304; and Logan Act, 1437; reversal of word meanings, 1460;



Cited in Dec. of Independence as source of man’s rights, 1429; gods in human form, 1475; men without god, 1544-45;


Demonetization of gold, 885; effects of demonetization, 885; price of gold in FRN’s 1943-1993, 893; gold seizure as theft, 894-95; Emergency Banking act -1933, Executive Order, April 1933, Gold Reserve Act, 1934, 894-95; lack of gold reserves, 894; pre-1934 FRN gold redeemable; dollar valued in gold, 897; gold reserves at great depression, 904; gold, silver function as money, 1057-58; as market reserve, 1058; how gold arises as money, 1058; effect of gold reinstated as money, 1058; gold clause contracts, 1059; monetizing precious metals, 1145; end gold redemption FRN’s, 1151; gold debt to US by Federal reserve system, 1152; title to US gold reserves, 1151-52;

Gold standard

Phony gold standard, 875; end of constitutional money system, 875; about sound money, 876; ended by “economic terrorism”, 885; stability of gold standard, 893; alleged failure of gold standard, 893; investment possibilities if precious metals remonetized, 1058; dual standard, gold and fiat, 1059

Gouge, W H

A Short History of Paper Money and Banking in the United States, (1833), 757;


As captive of special interests, 740; five branches as recognized by Constitution, 832; benefits of fiat system for govt. (and banks), 890-91; reintegration of govt. and market, 903; separation of bank and state, 903; Ochlocracy, 906; power of slogans and clichés, 907; use of agents provocateurs, 944; Early church teachings on inalienable rights, equality of men before God, 818; right of self defense fundamental, 830; abuse of individual rights as cover for exploitation, 834; argument for group rights, 834; limited govt. essential to preserve individual rights, 965; false argument that society depends on govt. for existence, 965; US govt. has no sovereignty to cede, 969; difficulty in keeping all forms of govt. within legally defined limits, 969; unlimited govt. as world’s chief problem, 969; democide and gulags, 969; effect of failure of self-govt., 1000; co-option of presidency, 1026;  how it can be changed, 1044; transparency and corruption, 1046; govt. bills and notes as promises to extract wealth from country, 1058; idea govt. exists to support business, 1085; need to reign in, 1131; rise of national debt, 1278; compared to Mafia, 1318; used to control markets, 1326; social effectiveness and limited size, 1351; effect of limiting govt. power on private entities, 1351; possibilities for reform, 1397; theoretical constitutionally based reform, 1509; historic origins of administrative state, 1513; administrators as 4th branch of govt., 1513; interference in health matters, 1560; constitutionality of any kind of govt. compelled insurance, 1561; conditioning to favor big govt., 1567; simple reform plan, 1571;

Government finance

Declaration of bankruptcy, 783; limits on borrowing, no blank checks, 1182;

Grassy Knoll


Great Depression

Persistence during Roosevelt years, 893; Fed role in, 893-94; gold reserves at great depression, 904;


Power of self-interest and danger of greed, 971; vs. solidarity, 1335;



The Road to Serfdom, 851;


Health insurance

A plan, 1559; cost of interference in health matters, 1560; health care fascism, 1560; constitutionality of any kind of govt. compelled insurance, 1561; Govt. managed health care, 1562; discussion of issues and problems, 1558-68; health care and dependency, 1566;

Henry VIII


Sets final limit on domestic inflation, 902; 1240-41;




Uncontrolled nature, political ramifications, 974; problems with multicultural idea, 974; contributing to balkanization of US, 974;




As hidden tax, 740; as political policy, 886; postpones financial reckoning, 894; importance to welfare/warfare state, 1039-40;

Income tax

Constitutionality questioned, 758-59; direct or indirect tax:, 759; nature of  tax examined, 759; 16th amendment questions, 759;  is it an excise tax?, 759; nature of a tax on effort, 760; tax reform and fiscal chaos, 761; tax and relation to communism, 761; discussion of tax issues, 761-69; taxes as instrument of social engineering, 762-63; what income represents, 763; high taxes inimical to business and investment, 763; taxation, representation and problem of special interests, 764;  economic arguments against income tax, 765; taxes as arbitrary, wasteful and inefficient, 765; principles of consensual taxation, 767; problems with 16th amendment, 1120; income tax a tax on labor, 1120; indirect & direct tax; abuses tax exemption status, 1124-5; simultaneously, 1121; IRS & slavery, 1131; what govt. without Fed might look like, 1133; income tax necessary for modern govt.? arguments pro and con, 1135; Fed not necessary, not proper, 1144; constitutionality of 16th amend.,1206;  Cosgrove speech on income tax, 1208-12110;  control of middle class,1214; end would stimulate investment, 1510;

Individual, individualism


IRS & Slavery, 1131;


Control thru licensing, 1479;


Interest on public debt shows govt. captive of special interests, 740;


And collectivism, 848; socialism as syndicalism for intellectuals, 850; collectivism as jobs program for intellectuals, 853; partnership with financial interests, 854; treason of, 1327; cultural subversion, 1327; assistance to plutocracy, 1476; despoiling of masses, 1476; defending crimes of communism, 1494; syndicalism of, 1543;


Jackson, Andrew

1026; quote on use of govt. for private ends, 1155; Jackson precedents with courts, 1401;


Use of journalists for political purposes, 819;

Jefferson, T.

“Notes on the Establishment of a money mint and a coinage for the United States”, 1784, 1158;

Jekyll Island


Connection to liberalism, 861; political failure exacerbates anti-Semitism, 863-64; Jews as scapegoats and front men, 866; Jews and anti-poverty measures, 866;

Judicial supremacy

1010-1011; 1132; constitutional convention rejects idea of judicial oversight, 1393; no jurisdiction on elected officials in executive branch, 1393; 1400; Alexander Hamilton on Judicial power, 1417;


Mans justice vs. God’s justice, 1426; man’s justice partial brake on injustice, 1428;





Argument that law must evolve, 750; judicial imperium, 751-52; as only basis for ordered society, 813; “assault weapons” ban, 1166; legal status of court opinions, 1392; opinions overthrown, Swift v. Tyson, 1392; constitutional convention rejects idea of judicial oversight, 1393; interpretation and rule creation equals power, 1399; limits of court decisions, 1400; judicial supremacy, 1400; influence of legal decisions on moral tenor, 1418; Griswold vs. Connecticut, 1418, Eisenstadt vs. Baird, 1418; Roe vs. Wade, 1418; effect of idea that man is only possible source of law, 1477;

Left wing extreme


Legal tender

883; “lawful money”, 879; use for tax payment to legitimize FRN, 883; legal tender status of FRN’s not part of Federal Reserve Act, 1531;


Definitions and politics, 1093; right to abortion, 1098; implications of a govt. right to kill, 1098;


Loyalty oath

Legalities pro and con, 1384; first amendment and other legal considerations, 1388-89; Camp vs. Board of Public Instruction, 1388; Russell, Keyishian v. Board of Regents, 1388; Whitehill v. Elki, 1388; US v. Robel, 1388; Conell v. Higginbotham, 1388;

Ludwig von Mises



Magic Bullet



As economic nonsense, 1542-43; challenged by Austrian school, 1542; intellectuals part in it, 1543; labor theory of value debunked, 1543;


Blackout of opposition views; complicity in govt. wrong doing, 930; need for alternative media to effect change, 1047; control of culture, 1047;


Constitutional militia, 809;  2nd amendment and Militia, 1163; people’s role, 1165-1167;

Milton Friedman

Minority politics

Racial politics in Washington D.C., 823; divide and conquer, 827; gun control and racism, 829; riots as political blackmail, 835; victimology and benefits, 841-2; toll on black families from welfare state, 842;

Mises, Ludwig von

Theory of Money and Credit, 1028;


Monetary acts and law

Monetary policy

As form of tax, 740; 1220; how to effect, 1223;


As a political creation, 738; sound money, 876; how constitution establishes sound money, 876; sound money & representational govt., 876; commodity money, 876-77; dangers of unsound money, 877; purchasing power, 883; first arises as commodity money, 880; why currency basket can’t replace money, 881; fractional currency arose from gold warehouse receipts, 882; fictional money, 882; Financial nature of FRN, 878-79; FRN’s and gold redemption, 879; conversion to fiat money, 879; true nature, 881-883; retrogression from gold backing to non-redemption, 882; how money arises, 881-82; use of tax payment to legitimize FRN, 883; impossibility of economically neutral money, 886; time preference and interest rates, 887; consequences of interest rate change to society and economy, 887-88; factors affecting time preference, 888; how malinvestment occurs, 888; four ways to obtain new money, 890; FRN as nominal money, 898; debasement, 898; subject to law diminishing returns, 898; political nature of monetary indices, 898;  emotion vs. reason in monetary matters, 906; dishonest money and politics, 908; as social convention, 911; world money market power, 956; paper money ultimate reliance on force and coercion, 1058; use of force as govt. “reserve”, 1058; retirement of paper money after Revolutionary war, 1058; failures of Sec. Treasury in monetary duties under fiat system, 1059; money creation “out of greed”, 1092; monetizing precious metals, 1145; competing forms of money, 1350; constitutionality of congressional monetary matters, 1385; Gresham’s law in reverse, 1445; paper money vs. gold and silver, 1446; Privatization of FRN’s. 1446; parallel currencies, 1446; currency competition, 1448; how one currency supplants another, 1448; gold contracts as inflation remedy, 1448; chevronets (Russian revolutionary currency), 1449;

Money laundering

Money supply

Argument that supply must grow w/ economy, 880; expansion under gold standard, 880;


Abortion, 909; death as a solution, 909; salvation and human redemption, 911; appeasement of evil, 938; Blackman decision implications, 1053; effect of existence of God, 1054; randomness and human life, 1054; question of free will, 1055; cultus mortis, 1084; sin, guilt and sophistry, 1099; how to distinguish good from evil, 1427; failure of free markets and laissez faire to establish non relative value systems, 1428; economics dictate morality, 1434; meaninglessness/meaning of life, 1452-53;


National debt

Discussion of, 781-84; payment of, 785-88; rise of national debt, 1279; exceed wealth of US, 1277; sale of public lands to pay off, 1283; congressional case for repudiation, 1285-89;

National sovereignty

National sovereignty outstripped by events, 962; Only guarantee of freedom and independence, 966; partial loss of sovereignty through foreign investment, 967; loss by treaty, 967; counterproductive to global agendas, 967; loss of domestic jurisdiction in global order, 967;

Natural Law

Basis of Declaration of Independence, 967;

Negative income tax

Neo conservativism

New World Order

America as threat to, 953-54, 973; atomization of US, 960; incremental expansion, 962; National sovereignty outstripped by events, 962; global wealth redistribution, 962; transnational companies as first world citizens, 963; transnational companies as mechanism for NWO, 963; need for supranational political controls on transnationals, 965; UN as “entry level” global organization; NWO as reversal of Declaration of Independence, 967; NWO touted as only solution to all world problems, 972; NWO reliance on cartelization in place of planning, 973; designed to maximize corporate profits rather than general welfare, 973; US as NWO neo-colonial dumping ground with no internal manufacturing base, 973; threat of national sovereignty, 1034; East India Co. as model for NWO, 1324; how to dismantle US, 1436; impediments to “new man”, 1467;

No man, no problem

Stalin quote, 1314;



Possibility of compromise between oligarchy and rule of people, 1026; and democracy, 1326; about 1476;

Original intent




And anti-govt. activity, 1021;

Pension funds

Private pensions, 1360; govt. oversight pensions, 1363-64;  political and private profits available from pension fund oversight, 1364;



Tactics to nullify opposing views, 819; cynical nature of politicians and political process, 844; political murder, 909; right/left spectrum, 992; political euphemism, 992; centrism, 993; politics as market for legalized coercion, 1011; establishment shackles, 1018; co-option of presidency, 1026; role of business in political machinations, 1041; based on promises, 1044; control of taxation as source of wealth, 1216; reward from economic boom, 1237; of envy, 1281; politicians masters, 1326; political prostitution, 1339; the end game of politics, 1466; emotional nature of, 1565;


Soak the rich, 1280; populist redistribution scheme, 1280;

Positive law

Incompatibility with individual rights and Declaration of Independence, 967;


Anti-poverty activism as political and financial career, 844-45; need for an underclass, 846;


Establishment preoccupation with power and control as economic phenomenon, 847; toleration of social problems as means to centralize power, 855; political murder, 909; hexagon of power, 1027; and politicians, 1326; cultural power, 1326; mind control and mass psychology, 1327; thought control and cultural control, 1330; use of commission and expert panels, 1331; communist denial of any limit to political power, 1495; institutions as instruments of power, 1496;

Precious metals

Investment possibilities if precious metals remonetized, 893; monetizing precious metals, 1145, 1149; Treasury receipts of P. metals as reserves, 1176; not available to Fed as reserves, 1185; govt. use & commerce, 1269; as money in action, 1349; hypothetical banks and services for, 1349; dual price systems, 1349; species tax payment, 1349; revival of, 1349; reference to Greenspan essay on gold, 1350


Failure of press to protect self-government, 832;

President/Presidential power

co-option of presidency, 1026; removal of uncooperative executives, 1026; presidential power, 1026; oath of office, 1027; a constitutional president, 1027; Cole vs. Richardson, 1391; Scales vs. US, 1391; Garner vs. Board of Public Works, 1391; Law Students Research Council vs. Wadmond, 1391; Konigsberg vs. State Bar, 1391; Beilan vs. Board of Education, 1391;  Lerner vs. Casey, 1391; Presidential power, 1392; reliance on legal opinion, 1392; court vs. presidential power, 1393; Mississippi v. Johnson, 1394; Cohen vs. Virginia, 1394; president and courts co-equal and coordinate, 1402;

Private property

Existence as politically defined privilege, 965;


Of resources as ultimate source of power, 957; ultimate importance of farm land and food production, 957;


Property and political power, 1133; property tax apportionment via Pollock case, 1217;


Effect of Progressive ideology on society, 799; as foreign ideology, 799; progressive vs. reactionary, 1002;


Political maxims contained within, 956; mistaken on source of power, 956;

Public debt

As transfer of wealth from future to present, 782; tax on future generations, 782; why public debt always expands, 783; debt repudiation, 783;

Public land

Effects of proposed sale, 1283; percent of states own by Fed govt., 1282; effect of privatization, 1282; case against public land, 1283;

Public opinion


Public servants





Govt. support of racism, 842; racism and poverty, 843;

Reason vs. Emotion

1142; why error prevails, 1142, historical decline, 1142; delusion of, 1426; conditioning to favor big govt., 1567; Uselessness of reason in politics, 1570;


As self-cannibalism, 727; Fed as means of redistribution of wealth, 886; debasement of paper money as redistribution to issuers, 898; as governmental raison d’etre, 1038; effect on US since WWII, 1039; importance of Social Security to it, 1039; as source of out of control govt., 1131; general welfare clause, 1131; wealth redistribution, 1514;


FRN’s become non-redeemable, 878;


True nature of “power to regulate”, 899; theories of regulation, 1512-23; use of regulatory agencies by special interests, 1513; Roosevelt and the administrative state, 1513;




783; Revaluation as alternate form of repudiation, 1183; case for congressional debt repudiation, 1285-89;

Rhode Island politics



Early church teachings on inalienable rights, equality of men before God, 818; right of self defense fundamental, 830; abuse of individual rights as cover for exploitation, 834; argument for group rights, 834; limited govt. essential to preserve individual rights, 965; failure of bill of rights, 970; what failure of bill of rights implies about world govt., 970; substitution of “social” rights in place of political ones, 1006; true function of rights, 1006;

Right wing extreme


Roe vs. Wade

Roosevelt, F. D.

As tool of banks and financial interests, 754;

Rothbard, M.N.

Mystery of Banking, 1028;


Grain sales, 951; new tsar, 1170; alliance w/ Germany, 1174; imperial family, 1459

Russian Revolution



Secret societies

Morality, guilt and power, 941-43; 1502-03;




Failures of socialism, 849; socialism as syndicalism for intellectuals, 850; Collapse of Soviet Union, 965; role of black markets in survival of socialist state, 965; danger of socialism to economically marginal people, 965; Blackman decision and inalienable rights, 1053; capitalism vs. socialism, 1303; and slavery, 1304; expendability of people under socialism, 1409; socialists, 1544; imperviousness to rational argument by supporters, 1544; regulation, 1544; anti-human philosophy, 1544;

Social Security

True goal, 1070; as Ponzi scheme, 1070; as mechanism of elite control, 1070; saves Fed, 1351; legal maneuvers, 1356-67; problems of reform, 1357-59; creates dependency, 1359; the “trust fund”, 1356-57; employer contribution as commercial regulatory matter, 1357; privatization as nationalization and political capture of capital flow, 1357; demographic unfairness, 1357; as Ponzi scheme, 1357; intergenerational warfare, 1357-58; no linkage, not insurance, 1357-58; Fleming vs. Nestor and lack of contractual right, 1358; trust fund as accounting device,1358; economic failures of, 1358-59; as tool for economic domination, 1359; worker to retiree ratios falling, 1359; private pensions, 1360; retirement funds as political tools, 1361; case for social democracy, 1361; a house of cards, 1361; “fairness”, contract and socially adequate benefits, 1361-63; saving SS, 1362; role in stabilizing status quo, 1366; first step toward socialism, 1367; how to phase out, 1374; Fleming case; 1374; discussion of ills and abuses, 1371-74; no legally enforced right, Nestor vs. Fleming, 1379;

Social value/Social cost index

Productive value/cost index, 1335; euthanasia, 1335;

Solidarity principle


Sovereign immunity

Special interests

Interest bearing public debt as aid to, 740; “Factions” in Federalist Papers, 1182; benefits from economic booms, 1237; use of regulatory agencies by special interests, 1513

Spengler, spenglarian

View of new Caesar, 716; was Spengler correct,717;

Social Justice


Star Wars (SDI)



Stock Market

Supply side

Failure of policy, 1282;


Supreme court

Perry vs. Gold Bond, 784; Hylton, 787; president vs. supreme court, historical precedents, 975; Blackman decision and implications for biological life, 1053; US vs. Butler, 1131,1164;  Wickard vs. Filmore, 1131, 1164; Butler, Wickard, 1136; Schecter Poultry vs. US,1144;  Carter vs. Carter Coal Co. 1144; , McCulloch vs. Maryland, 1144,1164;  Osburn vs. Bank of US, 1144,  Knox vs. Lee, 1164; Julliard vs. Greenman, 1164; Steward Machine Co. vs. Davis, 1164; Helvering vs. Davis, 1164; Norman vs. Baltimore & Ohio railroad, 1164; Nortz vs. US; Woodruff vs. Trapnell, 1181; Perry vs. US, 1181; assumption gold seizure was constitutional in gold clause cases, 1182; misuse of, 1341-42; Fleming vs. Nestor and lack of SS contractual right, 1358; Nestor vs. Fleming, 1379; Hepburn case and avoidance of ruling on the constitutionality of congressional money tinkering, 1385; Game of 4’s and 5’s, 1387; Presidential attorney’s standing  at supreme court bar, 1387; Camp vs. Board of Public Instruction, 1388; Russell, Keyishian v. Board of Regents, 1388; Whitehill v. Elki, 1388; US v. Robel, 1388; Conell v. Higginbotham, 1388; lacks jurisdiction over President, 1389; subversion and first amendment, 1389;  application of SC precedents, 1390; Cole vs. Richardson, 1391; Scales vs. US, 1391; Garner vs. Board of Public Works, 1391; Law Students Research Council vs. Wadmond, 1391; Konigsberg vs. State Bar, 1391; Beilan vs. Board of Education, 1391;  Lerner vs. Casey, 1391; rationalizations for SC rulings, 1391; Swift v. Tyson, 1392; court vs. presidential power, 1393; constitutional convention rejects idea of judicial oversight, 1393; no jurisdiction on elected officials in executive branch, 1393; Mississippi v. Johnson, 1394; Cohen vs. Virginia, 1394; McCardle case, 1401; Torcaso case, 1413; Griswold vs. Connecticut, 1418, Eisenstadt vs. Baird, 1418; Roe vs. Wade, 1418; concept of privacy and implications, 1418; Wickard vs Filmore as basis for govt. control, 1511; FRS constitutionality issues: McCulloch vs. Maryland, Osburn vs. Bank of US, Knox v. Lee, Julliard vs. Greenman, 1524; Goltra vs. Weeks, 1525;  Sovereign immunity, 1525; Larson vs. Domestic and Foreign Corp. , 1525; Tennessee Power co. vs. TVA, 1525; Oregon vs. Hitchcock, 1525; Louisiana vs. Garfield, 1525; New Mexico vs. Lane, 1525; Land vs. Dollar, 1525;  Covington vs. Kentucky, 1526; Tomlinson vs. Jessup, 1526; Railroad Co. vs. Georgia, 1526;  Spring Valley Water vs. Schottler, 1526; Rhode Island vs. Massachusetts, 1531; US vs. Clarke, 1531; Louisiana vs. MacAdoo, 1531; Stanley vs. Schwalby, 1531; Fahey vs, Mallonee, 1531; Williams vs. Illinois, 1532;  Dooley vs. Smith, dissenting opinion, 1532; Schechter Poultry vs. US, 1532; Carter vs. Carter Coal Co., 1532;

Sustainable development

As code for global socialism, 964; opposition threat to NWO, 1034;


Benefit group over masses, 849; syndicalism of intellectuals, 1543;






Excise taxes, 1515; congressional requisition on states, 1517; requisition as decentralizing tool, 1517; state raised  federal tax, 1517-18;


Through inflation & monetary policy, 740; consensual taxation and sound money, 876-77; fiat money contributes to tax abuse, 876; sound money, 877; Financial nature of FRN, 878-79; FRN’s and gold redemption, 879; conversion to fiat money, 879; true nature, 881-883; retrogression from gold backing to non-redemption, 882; how arises, 881-82; use of tax payment to legitimize FRN, 883; explicit and inexplicit taxes, 890; tax exempt foundations, 1156; flat tax as Trojan horse, 211; taxation and corruption of govt., 1211; voluntary taxes, 1228; arguments against a luxury tax, 1281; species tax payment, 1349; Beardsly Ruml, 1352; redistribution and social engineering, 1352; constitutional purpose of, 1352;  should be avoidable, 1352;  structured to balance power, 1352; discussion of rates, 1353; consumption tax, pro & con, 1353-55; living allowance, 1353; consumption tax, 1353; means testing, 1354; constitutional prohibition on progressive taxes, 1353; cost to US, 1353, an limits, 1353; logrolling and budget excess, 1353-54; consumption taxes are avoidable, 1354; implications of  tax on productivity/labor, 1354; role in penalizing success, 1354-55; as Marxism for the other guy, 1354-55, democratic Marxism, 1355; tax on labor, 1371;





Transnational companies as first world citizens, 963;  transnational companies as mechanism for NWO, 963; need for supranational political controls on transnationals, 965;


Loss of sovereignty by treaty, 967; treaties trump constitution, 967; as subverting US sovereignty, 1391;



Role of disabilities in preventing usurpation and tyranny, 745; establishment shackles, 1018;

Two income families



US constitution

See Constitution

US history


Role of disabilities in preventing usurpation and tyranny, 745; sovereign right to overthrow usurpation, 832; 1400;


Dialog with, 1051; deathbed backslide, 1054; dream, 1453-55;


Voter turn out, 907-08; legitimizing function, 907-08; role in dishonest money, 908; mathematics of voting, 1018;



1318; as totalitarian response, 1497;

Washington DC

Racial politics in Washington D.C., 823;



Prescription for, 887; transfer of wealth mechanism, 888-891; as “solvent of liberalism”, 1435;

Welfare state

Reform of welfare state, possible problems, 729-30; creating political serfdom, 827; other face of welfare state is police state, 828; self destruction of, 1367-68; trap of the welfare state, 1563; problems of 1564-67;

Welfare mentality

As self-cannibalism, 727; structure of dependencies created, 1046;

Wealth extraction

Via tax scheme, 787;

Wickard vs. Filmore

1131; 1136; 1371; subsidization as tool of domination, 1511; 1517;

World bank

Fails at problem of depreciation, 902;

World Domination/Global Governance

Ultimate importance of farm land and food production, 957; “global Managed Competition”, and value of cartelization, 957; America as stumbling block in world governance scheme, 958; necessity for destruction of American national sovereignty, 959; problem of American wealth and power, 960; idea world hope lies in top down social and economic planning, 964; no place for individual rights, 969; redefines war, 970;