Statistical Doom Scenarios
Why is it that Friends always chose the absolute worse-case scenarios when arguing probable outcomes? Statistics based on the probability that every possible lot in the county will be built on -guest hose included- are simply not realistic.

Cost of New Construction
Friends argue that new construction does not meet its’ cost in tax revenue. By what methodology? First we need to see if the automatic, annual increases that have occurred to the cost of government each year since the late ‘40’s have been factored in. In other words, you can't blame all rising government costs on new construction.

Second, we should consider if the study was based in an area where the ratio of population to infrastructure was high since this can skew the results. New construction with independent water and sewer represents a minimal load, especially if no new road is needed. If no school age kids are involved, that family will probably contribute quite a bit more in taxes than they will through cost of direct services.


Planners always tell us how bad it would be without them. Does that mean that the Lynnwood mall somehow snuck under the official radar? Or that the trailers lined up in rows two feet apart in Eastsound aren’t allowed by plan?

When it comes to vision statements, what was done to the former Lavender Hollow Farm speaks louder than any words.

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all that ugly, crappy, dysfunctional stuff you see out there, it’s all part of a regional study, area plan or a sub-area zone initative.

Sure, planners love to talk about greenbelts and walking villages, it's sexy. That's the public face we get to see. But wart removal and pest control is where the real heavy lifting is taking place.

Sorry to be so blunt, but that’s what view protection is all about. The idea that planning is a rational and scientific enterprise is only valid up to a point. When you leave the areas of agreement that are more or less universal ("plutonium in landfills is bad") you enter grey areas where decisions are driven as much by differing values and opinions as anything else.

The number one failure of all large-scale economic and social planning is the failure to investigate the possibility of unintended consequences. A healthy community represents so many variables of that no single agency can possibly gather and process the information necessary to act in the best interest of all concerned.