The sky is falling! All of Friends alarming growth projections are based on the late Bubble economy of the Clinton/Greenspan era, where the money supply was rapidly and massively inflated. In case anyone missed it, that boom crashed and the economy isn’t doing quite as well these days. Indeed, if current trends continue, the loss of the dollar’s value and rising commodity prices will put a much more effective stop to growth than even the Friend’s wildest dreams could imagine. |
Well, maybe not quite yet, but... " might cite Dr. Paul Ehrlich, the Grand
Old Man of Eco-quackery, for forty years a most venerated doomsday campaigner,
who has battled ferociously against global warming, making an alarming
case for the immanent incineration of planet Earth.However, since the
early Sixties, with equal conviction, scattered among his many, many,
many writings, Ehrlich has also prophesied.. |